Scrolling a combo box as you type
If you use a combo box somewhere in your application, you might have noticed that typing the text is sometimes OK, but other times you'd wish the list would scroll according to the text you type.
This code enables your list to do just that.
Author: Option Explicit 'For Win16 Declare Function SendMessage Lib "User" (ByVal hwnd As Integer, ByVal Msg As Integer, ByVal Wp As Integer, Lp As Any) As Long ' For Win32 'Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Integer, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long Const Key_Enter = &HD Const Key_Back = &H8 Const Key_Delete = &H2E Const Key_Clear = &HC Const WM_USER = &H400 Const Key_Down = &H28 Dim miNumKeys As Integer Dim mfScrolling As Integer Dim mfKeepKey As Integer Dim DownKeyNum As Integer Sub Search_ComboBox_GotFocus(InForm As Form, InItem As ComboBox) miNumKeys = 0 InItem.SelStart = 0 InItem.SelLength = Len(InItem.Text) End Sub Sub Search_ComboBox_Change(InItem As ComboBox) '===================================================== ' If a new character has been typed into the ComboBox, ' this procedure searches the ComboBox.list for an item ' matching the contents of InItem. If found, the ' item in the list is selected and the portion of the ' text NOT typed by the user is highlighted in the ' ComboBox. Note that mfScrolling is used to prevent ' re-entry into this event handler. '===================================================== '---Variable declaration Dim szSrchText As String ' contents of text box Dim iTxtLen As Integer ' length of search string Dim iListIndex As Integer ' set by SearchListBox Dim fReturn As Integer ' ret. from SearchListBox Dim lstSearch As ComboBox '---Start of Code On Error Resume Next If mfKeepKey And Not mfScrolling Then iTxtLen = Len(InItem.Text) If iTxtLen And InItem.ListCount > 0 Then miNumKeys = IIf(miNumKeys < iTxtLen, miNumKeys, iTxtLen) szSrchText = InItem.Text fReturn = SearchListBox(szSrchText, InItem, iListIndex) mfScrolling = True If iListIndex = -1 Then InItem.ListIndex = -1 Else ' perfect match was found InItem = InItem.List(InItem.ListIndex) InItem.ListIndex = iListIndex InItem.SelStart = miNumKeys InItem.SelLength = (Len(InItem.Text) - miNumKeys) End If mfScrolling = False End If End If End Sub Sub Search_ComboBox_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As Integer, InForm As Form, InItem As ComboBox) Const CB_SHOWDROPDOWN = WM_USER + 15 Dim Tmp Dim iIndexNum iIndexNum = InItem.ListIndex If KeyCode = Key_Enter Then DownKeyNum = False If KeyCode = Key_Down And DownKeyNum = True Then Tmp = SendMessage(InItem.hWnd, CB_SHOWDROPDOWN, 1, ByVal 0&) InItem.ListIndex = iIndexNum End If If KeyCode = Key_Down And DownKeyNum = False Then Tmp = SendMessage(InItem.hWnd, CB_SHOWDROPDOWN, 1, ByVal 0&) InItem.ListIndex = -1 DownKeyNum = True End If If KeyCode = Key_Back Or KeyCode = Key_Delete Or KeyCode = Key_Clear Then mfKeepKey = False If KeyCode = Key_Back Then InItem.ListIndex = -1 End If Else mfKeepKey = True End If End Sub Sub Search_ComboBox_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer, InForm As Form, InItem As ComboBox) If mfKeepKey Then miNumKeys = Len(InItem.Text) + 1 End If End Sub Function SearchListBox(ByVal szSearchText As String, lbscroll As ComboBox, iListIndex As Integer) As Integer '======================================================= ' The procedure will select the first item in the ComboBox ' in which Left(List box text,size of search string) ' matches the search string. '========================================================== '---Constants (returned from StrComp) Const FOUND = 0 Const LT = -1 Const GT = 1 '---Variable declarations Dim iListStart As Integer ' starting point in list Dim iListCount As Integer ' no. of items in list box Dim iTxtLen As Integer Dim szListText As String ' current list item Dim vCompResult ' result of string comp function Dim fFound As Integer ' match found? Dim fDone As Integer ' Terminates search if true '---Start of Code fFound = False iTxtLen = Len(szSearchText) If iTxtLen > 0 And lbscroll.ListCount > 0 Then iListStart = lbscroll.ListIndex If iListStart = -1 Then iListStart = 0 iListIndex = iListStart iListCount = lbscroll.ListCount szListText = Left(lbscroll.List(iListStart), iTxtLen) ' check to see if current item matches fFound = CInt(StrComp(szSearchText, szListText, 1)) If fFound <> FOUND Then fDone = False If (fFound = LT) Then iListIndex = 0 fFound = False Else iListIndex = iListIndex + 1 End If Do While (iListIndex <= iListCount) And Not fDone szListText = Left(lbscroll.List(iListIndex), iTxtLen) vCompResult = StrComp(szSearchText, szListText, 1) If IsNull(vCompResult) Then iListIndex = -1 Exit Do End If fFound = CInt(vCompResult) fDone = fFound Or (CInt(vCompResult) = -1) If Not fDone Then iListIndex = iListIndex + 1 End If Loop If Not fFound Then iListIndex = -1 End If End If End If SearchListBox = fFound End Function ' ScrollListBox |
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