Accepting drag and drop from File Manager
File Manager supports dragging files, and some applications support dropping them. Try dragging a file from File Manager to Program Manager, and you'll see what I mean. You can do this too; just follow these simple steps.
Copy and paste this as DRAGDROP.BAS:
'STEP ONE -------------------------------------------
'Place a message blaster on the form. Set it to
'catch the WM_DROPFILES standard message for the
'target control
'STEP TWO -------------------------------------------
'Register the target control (or form) with Windows
'as a recipient of drag/drop messages, by calling
'DragAcceptFiles in the load event of the form
'containing the target control (or the target form)
'-- like so:
' DragAcceptFiles .hWnd, True
'STEP THREE -----------------------------------------
'When the message blaster catches the WM_DROPFILES
'message, use the GetArrayOfDroppedFiles function or
'the GetListOfDroppedFiles function to gather all
'the information about the dropped files.
Type Type_Point
X As Integer
Y As Integer
End Type
Declare Sub DragAcceptFiles Lib "Shell" (ByVal hWnd%, ByVal accept%)
Declare Function DragQueryPoint% Lib "Shell" (ByVal hDrop%, lpPNT As Type_Point)
Declare Function DragQueryFile% Lib "Shell" (ByVal hDrop%, ByVal iFile%, ByVal lpBuff$, ByVal BUFFSIZE%)
Declare Function DragFinish% Lib "Shell" (ByVal hDrop%)
Global Const WM_DROPFILES = 563
Function GetArrayOfDroppedFiles% (hDrop%, sFileArray$(), iX%, iY%, iClient%)
' hDrop% wParam from message blaster.
' sFileArray A dynamic string array. Will be filled
' with the names of the dropped files.
' A string representation of the number
' of files will be put into array(0), and
' the file names will start in array(1).
' iX% An integer. Will be set to the
' X coordinate of the mouse.
' iY% An integer. Will be set to the
' Y coordinate of the mouse.
' iClient% A boolean that will be set TRUE if the files
' were dropped in the window's client area.
' The function returns the number of dropped files.
Dim iCount%, iLen%, iNumFiles%, iDummy%
Const BUFFSIZE% = 256
Dim szBuffer As String * BUFFSIZE
Dim DropXY As Type_Point
iNumFiles = DragQueryFile(hDrop, -1, szBuffer, BUFFSIZE)
ReDim sFileArray(0 To iNumFiles - 1)
'fill the array
For iCount = 0 To iNumFiles - 1
iLen = DragQueryFile(hDrop, iCount, szBuffer, BUFFSIZE)
sFileArray(iCount) = Left$(szBuffer, iLen)
'get drop location
iClient = DragQueryPoint(hDrop, DropXY)
iX = DropXY.X
iY = DropXY.Y
'release the handle
iDummy = DragFinish(hDrop)
GetArrayOfDroppedFiles = iNumFiles
End Function
Function GetListOfDroppedFiles (hDrop%, FileList As ListBox, iX%, iY%,
' hDrop% wParam from message blaster.
' FileList A listbox. Will be filled with
' the names of the dropped files.
' iX% An integer. Will be set to the
' X coordinate of the mouse.
' iY% An integer. Will be set to the
' Y coordinate of the mouse.
' iClient% A boolean that will be set TRUE if the files
' were dropped in the window's client area.
' The function returns the number of dropped files.
Dim iCount%, iLen%, iNumFiles%, iDummy%
Const BUFFSIZE% = 256
Dim szBuffer As String * BUFFSIZE
Dim DropXY As Type_Point
iNumFiles = DragQueryFile(hDrop, -1, szBuffer, BUFFSIZE)
'fill the list
For iCount = 0 To iNumFiles - 1
iLen = DragQueryFile(hDrop, iCount, szBuffer, BUFFSIZE)
FileList.AddItem Left$(szBuffer, iLen)
'get drop location
iClient = DragQueryPoint(hDrop, DropXY)
iX = DropXY.X
iY = DropXY.Y
'free the handle
iDummy = DragFinish(hDrop)
GetListOfDroppedFiles = iNumFiles
End Function