Visual Basic 4.0 Keyword summary by Topic
This document gives you an overview of the different common statements in VB 4.0, their use and context.
Author: Paul HayesArray
Verify an array. |
IsArray |
Create an array. |
Array |
Change default lower limit. |
Option Base |
Declare and initialize an array. |
Dim, Private, Public, ReDim, Static |
Find the limits of an array. |
LBound, UBound |
Reinitialize an array. |
Erase, ReDim |
Compiler Directive
Define conpiler constant. |
#Const |
Compile selected blocks of code. |
#If...Then...#Else |
Control Flow
Branch. |
GoSub...Return, GoTo, On Error, On...GoSub, On...GoTo |
Exit or pause the program. |
DoEvents, End, Exit, Stop Loop, Do...Loop , For...Next, For Each...Next, While...Wend, With |
Make decisions. |
Choose, If...Then...Else, Select Case, Switch |
Procedures. |
Call, Function...End Function, Property Get...End Property, Property Let...End Property, Property Set...End Property, Sub...End Sub |
ANSI value to string. |
Chr |
Convert to lowercase or uppercase. |
Format, LCase, UCase |
Date to serial number. |
DateSerial, DateValue |
Decimal number to other bases. |
Hex, Oct |
Number to string. |
Format, Str |
One data type to another. |
CBool, CByte, CCur, CDate, CDbl, CInt, CLng, CSng, CStr, CVar, CVErr, Fix, Int |
Serial number to date. |
Date, Month, Weekday, Year |
Serial number to time. |
Hour |
String to ASCII value. |
Asc |
String to number. |
Val |
Time to serial number. |
TimeSerial, TimeValue |
Data types
Convert between data types. |
CBool, CByte, CCur, CDate, CDbl, CInt, CLng, CSng, CStr, CVar, CVErr, Fix, Int |
Setting intrinsic data types. |
Boolean, Byte, Currency, Date, Double, Integer, Long, Object, Single, String, Variant (default) |
Verifying data types. |
IsArray, IsDate, IsEmpty, IsError, IsMissing, IsNull, IsNumeric, IsObject |
Dates & Times
Get the current date or time. |
Date, Now, Time |
Return a date. |
DateSerial, DateValue |
Return a time. |
TimeSerial, TimeValue |
Set the date or time. |
Date, Time |
Time a process. |
Timer |
Perform date calculations. |
DateAdd, DateDiff, DatePart |
Directories & Files
Change directory or folder. |
ChDir |
Change the drive. |
ChDrive |
Copy a file. |
FileCopy |
Make directory or folder. |
MkDir |
Remove directory or folder. |
RmDir |
Return current path. |
CurDir |
Return file, directory, label attributes. |
GetAttr |
Return file name or volume label. |
Dir |
Return file date/time stamp. |
FileDateTime |
Return file length. |
FileLen |
Rename a file, directory, or folder. |
Name |
Set attribute information for a file. |
SetAttr |
Get error messages. |
Error |
Provide error information. |
Err |
Generate run-time errors. |
Clear, Error, Raise |
Trap errors during run time. |
On Error, Resume |
Type verification. |
IsError |
Return Error variant. |
CVErr |
Get error messages. |
Error |
Provide error information. |
Err |
Generate run-time errors. |
Clear, Error, Raise |
Trap errors during run time. |
On Error, Resume |
Type verification. |
IsError |
Return Error variant. |
CVErr |
Input / Output
Access or create a file. |
Open |
Close files. |
Close, Reset |
Control output appearance. |
Format, Print, Print #, Spc,Tab, Width # |
Copy a file. |
FileCopy |
Get information about a file. |
EOF, FileAttr, FileDateTime, FileLen, FreeFile, GetAttr, Loc, LOF, Seek |
Manage files. |
Dir, Kill, Lock, Unlock, Name |
Read from a file. |
Get, Input, Input #, Line Input # |
Return length of a file. |
FileLen |
Set or get file attributes. |
FileAttr, GetAttr, SetAttr |
Set read-write position in a file. |
Seek |
Write to a file. |
Print #, Put, Write # |
Derive trigonometric functions. |
Atn, Cos, Sin, Tan |
General calculations. |
Exp, Log, Sqr |
Generate random numbers. |
Randomize, Rnd |
Get absolute value. |
Abs |
Get the sign of an expression. |
Sgn |
Perform numeric conversions. |
Fix, Int |
Process pending events. |
DoEvents |
Run other programs. |
AppActivate, Shell |
Send keystrokes to an application. |
SendKeys |
Sound a beep from computer. |
Beep |
System. |
Command, Environ |
OLE Automation. |
CreateObject, GetObject |
Arithmetic. |
^, -, *, /, \, Mod, +, & |
Comparison. |
=, <>, <,>, <=,>=, Like, Is |
Logical operations. |
Not, And, Or, Xor, Eqv, Imp |
String manipulation
Compare two strings. |
StrComp |
Convert to lowercase or uppercase. |
Format, LCase, UCase |
Create string of repeating character. |
Space, String |
Find length of a string. |
Len |
Format a string. |
Format |
Justify a string. |
LSet, RSet |
Manipulate strings. |
Instr, Left, LTrim, Mid, Right, RTrim, Trim |
Set string comparison rules. |
Option Compare |
Work with ASCII and ANSI values. |
Asc, Chr |
Convert strings. |
StrConv |
Color and shapes. |
Circle, Line, PSet, QBColor, RGB |
Variables and Constants
Assign value. |
Let |
Declare variables or constants. |
Const, Dim, Private, Public, New, Static |
Declare module as private. |
Option Private Module |
Get information about a variant. |
IsArray, IsDate, IsEmpty, IsError, IsMissing, IsNull, IsNumeric, IsObject, TypeName, VarType |
Require explicit variable declarations. |
Option Explicit |
Set default data type. |
Deftype |
Refer to current object |
Me |